TaxWorkFlow launches iOS and Android apps

We at TaxWorkFlow are excited to announce that TaxWorkFlow application is now available on Apple Store and Google Play. At the time, the app functionality is limited comparing to desktop version but it still can significantly increase your productivity by providing you an access to TaxWorkFlow from your iOS or Android device.

Get it on Google Play

To connect the mobile application installed on your smartphone to your TaxWorkFlow database you need to perform the following steps:

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Mastering the OCR for PDF Documents

In this article we look deeper into PDF documents creation and editing process. As we mentioned in “OCR: make your documents text-searchable” post, OCR process runs in multiple threads. The number of threads is equal to the number of CPU cores and each thread processes one page at a time. The time that OCR process takes for one page depends on multiple factors, such as page content, model of CPU and its utilization by other applications.

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OCR: Make Your Documents Text-Searchable

Optical character recognition (OCR) is now available in TaxWorkFlow. This tool allows you to convert scanned paper data records to text. This technology is being developed and enhanced for 30+ years and nowadays it works perfectly with electronic documents. You can read more about it in Wikipedia.

So what are the benefits of this technology?

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Speed-up Your Document Management With JBIG2 Converter

We continue to improve our document management system and this time we have implemented a powerful tool that allows you to convert scanned images to JBIG2 lossless format before saving them as PDF file. Below we will discuss how this tool can save you time and money.

JBIG2 is an image compression standard that allows you to convert scanned images to monochrome images. You can read more about this standard in Wikipedia. Please note, TaxWorkFlow JBIG2 converter uses lossless compression and is free of JBIG2 lossy compression defect that was reported to happen on some Xerox Workcentre photocopier and printer machines back in 2013.

Upon converting images to JBIG2 format the PDF file can be composed and saved. An average JBIG2 compression rate is 10-to-1 or more, and that’s the point why you will love this tool. Below are the most obvious advantages of  this conversion:

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TaxWorkFlow PDF Creator

Another new feature in TaxWorkFlow is an ability to create PDF documents right within the TaxWorkFlow application. You can compose documents from different sources, such as:

  • Images captured from your scanner
  • Images stored on your local disk (100+ formats supported including multi-page images, such as TIFF, MNG, JXR etc)
  • Paste image from the clipboard
  • Add existing PDF file as a part of new PDF document (each page of the original PDF file will be rasterized)

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TaxWorkFlow PDF Viewer

We are happy to announce a major document management system enhancement: a built-in PDF viewer that allows users to view PDF documents directly from TaxWorkFlow application. You do not need Adobe PDF Reader or any other third party PDF viewer anymore to be able to view PDF on your computer. Click on any PDF file from your database and it will be automatically opened inside the application. 

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